Friday, April 19, 2013

Searching for Spring and Good News

It's the 19th of APRIL, not the 19th of March! Apparently that means nothing to the Powers of Weather because they keep pounding us with winter. Yesterday's 'rain turning to snow' moved immediately to snow and our 'expected 3"-6"' turned into 6"-9". It's heavy, wet snow that won't last long because it's spring. But the fact is unavoidable - the drive to work will be a disaster, and it all needs to be shoveled off the driveways and sidewalks - a lot of physical work.

This is heart attack snow. That's what we call these spring snows that are so wet and heavy. A standard shovel will be holding anywhere from 30-45 pounds of weight per shovelful and we'll have hundreds of shovels of snow to move just to clear our spaces. I'll be starting to shovel my driveway and walkways in less than an hour from now. I'm NOT looking forward to it, although the exercise will probably be good for me.

I must admit that I love GrumpyCat.

But this really SUCKS and I'm going on record to tell you and all of the Powers that I'm TIRED OF WINTER. It's enough already. We've paid our dues. It's time for the farmers to be able to plow their fields and get their crops sown. That won't happen if the fields are too wet. It's time for the children to look with wonder at the flowers and follow the bees to their hives and that won't happen while white snow covers the land. I want Spring and I'm putting in my official request for it.

There are the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing. Apparently
the one on the left is now dead and the one on the right is on the run.

Yesterday the FBI released two photos of suspects for the Boston Marathon bombings. Apparently overnight there was a shootout and other confrontations with the two men. They were found, then stole an SUV, they shot a guard at MIT, threw grenades and explosives at police and now one suspect has been killed and the other one is still at large. The city of Watertown has been almost cordoned off and every news station is carrying nothing but coverage of the hunt for "Suspect Number Two".

I need one beautiful and colorful thing to look at today so I chose
this wonderful photo of butterflies and flowers to bring all of my readers
back to how wonderful our world truly is. 

I also want things to come to an end - but more than that, I want to be able to watch my morning news shows and have the news be basically boring and mundane. I want to see things I can igmore - maybe a movie review or a look at the latest starlet's mess. I am tired of waking up to death, explosions, gunfire and terror.

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