Saturday, July 28, 2012

Quick Notes and Thoughts

OK, let's start with the Olympics because I have the road race on behind me as I write this. The opening ceremonies last night were very fun. As some of my friends have mentioned, it was reminiscent of the "Scouring of the Shire" - the overthrow of a "peaceful and happy" agrarian society to one of the Industrial Revolution. Of course, mentions of famine, Lords and serfs, and land entitlement weren't mentioned at all. So, the Industrial Revolution takes over and then we pass on to a major segment celebrating the wonders of Britain's health care system. I'm envious of some parts of the system, but have enough friends who have had difficulties with getting adequate and timely care through the National Healthcare System that I am a bit skeptical. It was fun though. Mary Poppins was fun, the Queen and James Bond parachuting into the stadium was marvelous, and the way that the torch was lit - yeah. Those were all good. In the main, I enjoyed spending several hours watching the opening ceremonies.

I love the Queen, and her outfit was marvelous. She should smile a bit more, but she quite obviously has a wicked sense of humor.

The Queen was escorted from the palace by James Bond (gotta love it!) and they both leaped from a helicopter in the grandest entrance by a ruling monarch in recent history (even if it probably wasn't the actual Queen jumping from the heli). Great visuals and fun stunt.

I worked on my final edit of the AinA story and got to within two pages of the end. I will finish that this morning and then do a final read-through. Yes, I know I said that this last one was the final, but I'm getting a suspicion that I am flitting between standard and perfect tenses in a few places and that's a hard one for me to control well. So I'll take one more read-through - less for language and attitude and more for tenses. *sigh* I really wanted to put this one to bed...

Each national team was presented with an engraved copper vessel giving the nation's name and 2012 London Olympics engraved in the copper. These vessels were placed on stems that would channel gas and lit by the Olympic torch. They then began rising into a cluster - magical!

When all of the vessels converged, they made the torch - the Olympic Flame that will remain lit for the length of the Games. I just loved this - maybe it's the jeweler in me, or the love that I have for copper and flame, but this was magnificent.

My DH will have the TV on to Olympic sports for the next 2+ weeks. Thank goodness for equestrian, archery, and rhythmic gymnastics (yes, I like the ribbons and the balls and think that this part of the sport is incredibly challenging) and best of all, thank goodness for bike racing! I can pull away from the endless track and field and the water sports and races and find happiness in steeplechase :-) I admit, though, that I love the Olympics.

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