Monday, July 30, 2012

AinA and Olympics

My AinA is complete, posted, and done. I never would have succeeded without the incredible assistance of Keiliss who generously beta read my monster twice! The final word count was extreme - more than 15,000 in nine chapters. This was certainly NOT what I had intended when I accepted the assignment in May, but as the story unwound, there wasn't any other way it could go. I just wrote the words, the story was already there just waiting for me to grasp it. I'm relieved that it is over, though. Now maybe I can work on some smaller writing projects until NaNo comes along.

Words float and I grab them....

On Sunday we went over to Cindy's house for a light lunch and to finish the final repair on her wall. It was fun seeing her and Jeni again, but after two hours we were more than ready to leave. I love Cindy and Jeni tons, but they own two large dogs - a Husky and a Golden Retriever, in an extremely small house. The living room barely has room for a couch and a chair, adding in the two kennels and the fact that the dogs bark or whine's very uncomfortable. I love dogs, but these dogs are too big for their space. So as much as we liked seeing our friends, we couldn't wait to leave. I feel guilty about that, but that's the reality. *sigh*

Kimberly Rhodes was in her Fifth Olympics and won gold again in Skeet Shooting. Well done!

We are glued to the television (well, as much as I will allow myself to be glued) watching the Olympics. The archery has been great fun, and I've caught some of the Equestrian dressage. I've watched water polo, rowing, beach volleyball, and fencing. Also soccer, basketball, cycling, and the inevitable swimming and gymnastics. I'm having fun with table tennis and badminton, and the US got a gold with skeet shooting. She hit 99/100 targets - pretty incredible. Yeah - I'm having fun with the Olympics. Because they are showing events on so many channels I haven't had to stream a lot yet. I'm sure I'll have to eventually, but right now things are comfortable and a lot of fun. I'm happy...

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