Friday, July 27, 2012

Baby Steps and the Olympics

So I submitted my MPTT Anniversary story last night, less than 1000 words, but I'm happy with it. I revisited a side character of one of my longer words and liked this small glimpse she allowed me into her life. I still have 1/3 of my AinA to work through in a final edit, although I know I'll be tempted to run through it one final time. I like the editing process, even though sometimes it seems that I am running through the same ruts and just digging them deeper. But I always find something else to fine-tune, it's one step at a time and eventually things do get done. I envy people who can sit down and write something that will need minor tweaking at the end of their first session. My pieces are not like that. I always need fairly major work after the first write, and that gets followed by several more run-through edits, fine-tuning more and more each time.

Writing from the soul is writing in blood and editing can be...challenging.

Even though we have been watching (on and off) Olympic soccer for the past two days, today marks the official start to the 2012 Summer Olympics from London with the Opening Ceremonies tonight. The ceremony will start at 6:00 pm tonight (my time zone). Unfortunately, I work until 6:00 pm and usually don't get home until 6:30-6:45, so I'll move through closing at record speed and hope I don't miss too much. I already have dinner finished and waiting for me in the freezer, so I can munch and watch at the same time.


What was Andrea thinking? This design is UGLY! Check out the bustle in the back of the apron! Oy!

Good-bye to Lantie. Thank goodness we won't have to see more of your unrealized potential.

So last night was the "Unconventional Materials" challenge. The designers were given free reign in a candy shop located on Times Square and run by Ralph Lauren's daughter (gotta be some back money there, you think?). It was a pretty store, but it's hard to believe that a candy store would bring in enough money to justify the rents for a property located where it is. But...the designers had to make clothing from candy and some of the designs were scrumptious! The winner was Ven for an incredible pastel 'stained glass' dress using black licorice and crushed rock candy, and the designer sent home was Lantie. She barely used candy for her piece at all, claimed time constraints (as if every other designer suddenly had more time than she had) and basically, didn't meet the criteria of the challenge for the second week in a row! I'm delighted to see her gone! I don't know what Andrea was thinking, but her outfit was butt ugly!

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