Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Body Hates Me!

I've been running every day for more than a week, and even though I wasn't all that crazy about running at 3:30 in the morning, I was being good and actually feeling better because of it. But then my body said "bad girl" and I couldn't do it today. I developed a blister on the ball of my foot yesterday which I am trying very hard to keep from getting infected. If I can't keep things under control I'll have to go to the clinic and get something to keep me from blood poisoning. *sigh* The bottom of a foot is just NOT the most clean spot of the entire body.... I am so NOT HAPPY.

We got some new beads into the shop last week and I am totally in love. I have to design a project for them because the colors are simply scrumptious! That's all I need...another project. Silly me! I have stories in the works, I have a new class starting tomorrow, and I promised my Beta that I would spend tomorrow on her next chapter as well as some storyline ideas that she wanted me to look through. I'm looking forward to it, but I am going to allow myself to indulge a little too. I won't get any days off for 12 days starting at the end of this week when Chickie goes on vacation. So, maybe I do need a new project after all - LOL.

Tomorrow also, Chickie and I are going to see "Brave". We also want to see Ice Age 4, but we'll catch that after she returns from her trip out West. Now if we could just get this latest heat wave out of here... But other parts of the country are in the 100's and we're in the 90's. Maybe we're missing the bullseye on this target today. Or maybe not... LOL Hugs to everyone on this hot Tuesday.

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