Monday, July 16, 2012

E-Readers - I Love My NookColor

In the introduction to The Age of Fable, Bulfinch wrote: "Mythology is the handmaid of literature; and literature is one of the best allies of virtue and promoters of happiness."

I have advocated that reading equates to happiness for most of my life, at least since I was able to read. In the days of my youth, I always had a book in my hand. When my sight got worse, I just held the books closer, but they never went away. I had Lasik surgery in 2002 or 2003 (no, I don't remember the exact year...) and suddenly my eyes were better...and worse. For several years I had serious problems reading physical books for any length of time and I was devastated. That's when I discovered audio books and I listened to those for several years. But I missed physical books that weren't non-fiction. I missed my dragons and magic and swords.

Such a beautiful dragon.

In 2010 I asked for a NookColor for my Holiday gift. It was the only thing on my list and the only thing that I wanted. My DH came through for me even though money was tight that holiday and I've been using my Nook ever since. I use it every day. Without fail. And over time I've used more and more applications from it including using it as a tablet computer, answering and reading email, and using it to write original fiction. I've written about my Nook before because it makes me happy, but why now again?

Why? Just...why?

There is a book, or rather triad of books, called "50 Shades..." on the NY Times bestseller list. This "Twilight" based poorly written "Mommy porn" (basically, very soft porn) has been making the rounds of the best bedsides from national anchorwomen to the wife of the President of the US. Why? It has received the publicity that it needed to become beloved, or at least popular. But if tripe like this can get published and make fortunes for its author, then there is hope for most of my friends who write fanfiction because every single one of them, with few exceptions, write better than this! If they ever decide to try published works of fiction, I know it will be well constructed with good plot lines, firm characters, and scintillating dialog. I'll enjoy supporting them with my dollars. But not this "50 Shades..." crap. dollars or wasted time going in that direction from me. Not for the physical book, the audio book or the e-book. And if it is ever offered free, I'll be turning this one down. I like my books well written, please!

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