Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dentist and the Big Mountains

So, today at 7:30 am I will be getting my semi-annual tooth cleaning and check. I have one tooth that bothers me on occasion and I'm really hoping that they don't find anything. I don't do well with dental work. In fact, it leaves me a quivering, frightened pile of protoplasm. Icky all the way around. But with luck I'll pass with flying colors and look forward to December as the next hurdle. I have to admit, my dentist is great and we are mutually determined to allow me to keep my own teeth for as long as possible. Here I am, tickling 60, and I still have all of my own teeth, so something must be working.

Le Tour in solidly in the Alps today and broadcast will start an hour earlier than normal (of course, I'll miss a good portion of the broadcast, see above for the reason). When I finally get to the shop I'll turn on Le Tour and my laptop and continue with the final edit of my AinA story. I want to be able to put this story to bed, but I also want it to be good for my friend and something that she will enjoy reading. At least, that's my goal.

I always loved the Scooby Doo gang. They had so much fun and no parents were around to call them back home just when things got interesting.

I have to take a look through my paperwork to see what story is next in line to write, but I also signed up for a course in Writing Mystery Stories that starts next week. Since the O-fic I'm working on for NaNoWriMo is a mystery, I'm hoping to get a better handle on the approach. I've written a few now, but nothing with the length of NaNo, so I thought a little more help couldn't hurt. At least it's worth a try - LOL. Happy Thursday!

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