Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Day of Writing

So, I've been trying to be good to myself and treadmill every day again. I'll try to make it a habit, which I know from studies means to do it for at least 30 days to make it ingrained. I have been doing a quick run when I wake at 3:30 am, but today I'm pushing things off until I return home around 10 am instead so that I can take a bit longer and not feel as rushed. Then I'll settle down to continuing edits on my AinA (and reading the crits that Keiless gave me as Beta yesterday) and working on a beta for Lai. It's very much looking like this will be a sit on my behind day, and that's why I want to take a bit longer run before I become sedentary.

Le Tour de France hits the Alps again today with a new mountain at the end. Call me happy. I'll be watching it and the rebroadcasts for the day because men on bikes is just about the best eye candy available during daytime TV for me :-) The All Star Game for baseball was held last night and it was a blow-out for the National League - 8-0 was the final score. Of course, Minnesota has an American League team, so we really did poorly. Fortunately my DH doesn't watch this particular game, so we were able to watch some public TV last night instead. Much happier.

And Happy Birthday shouts go out to Jael and Randy today. Both of them have written such wonderful fanfic centered on the Greenwood, so I chose two different forest glades to send as their birthday pics. Celebrate with abandon and enjoy your special day!

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