Friday, July 13, 2012

Almost Finished

Many, many months ago.... OK, a few months ago... Anyway, at one time I accepted the challenge to write a story for an unknown person for the Ardor in August writing challenge. That person has since become an on-line follower and I have been hip-deep in my work for her. She requested a standard pairing, and my challenge was to figure out a twist that would bring a different perspective to this relationship.

It turned into a monster - fun to work on, but much longer than I had ever anticipated. I have a few more pages to edit and then can send the final off for my beta to take one more look at. And then I will read it once more and send it off on its merry way, allowing me the freedom to write something else. And that will be bittersweet.

I have to say that I've enjoyed this. Writing this ended up giving me a fairly good idea of what I can expect for NaNoWriMo and has made me a bit hesitant about taking on an O-fic for a challenge. But it's also been a marvelous journey in words and methods. I see improvement as I write and I know I can and will get better as I continue to practice. Isn't that what every story does? They allow me to practice and hone my craft?

I have to figure out what I want to write next while continuing to watch Le Tour de France. More Alps today...happy, happy me!!!

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