Thursday, September 29, 2011

Somewhat Accomplished

So yesterday was my "day off". Aside from errands, I worked a bit on my Game of Thrones original character for the deadline next week. I did take a few hours out to beta a chapter for my friend Iris. She used to send me her work pre-betaed and I would correct from there, but her primary beta has quit so it's just the two of us now. Her writing has improved over the past two years, so even though there were still plenty of corrections/suggestions that I had for her, it wasn't a total sea of red when I was finished.

I got Photoshop CS5 installed onto my DH's computer. There are a lot of new tools, so I downloaded the user manual PDF into my Dropbox account so that I can read through either at work or home and find out how to play with the software. Since it is on DH's computer, though, I will only be accessing it on Wednesdays for this year and who knows when next year. But, when I have to get my own computer upgraded, I'll have to install CS5 on this one too since my old Photoshop won't work any more. Hopefully I'll be comfortable with the new features by then.

DH has his head in LOTRO from the time he comes home (after dinner) until midnight or so. He's progressing in Dunland, and I haven't done anything with it except get the software update downloaded and installed. *sigh* I'd rather write or review or plan my Solstice cards or...or... Oh well. Happy Rosh Hashanah to all of my Jewish friends. A sweet year ahead of you!

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