Thursday, June 16, 2011

Public Art

So I decided to spend this final day of the rehash of my Bead & Button Show trip to show some of the wonderful public art that Milwaukee offers.  All of these items are close to the hotels in downtown.  I judge towns by their public art.  To have such art demonstrates a desire to improve the lifestyle of its residents and the quality of life along some of the busier streets.  I really liked these. 

And this is the Milwaukee River, about a block away from the Hyatt Hotel (longer from the Hilton).  One is a day shot looking North, the other a night shot looking South.  They are both from the same bridge.  I love how heavily travelled the river is, there are boats on it all the time when I'm there in the summer (I suspect it is much less well traveled in the winter though). 

I really enjoy my trips to Milwaukee and I hope that I can afford to attend again next year, but things are so in the air for my life in 2012 that I can't make any prediction at all.  I had decided to live this trip as if I would not be able to return and I enjoyed everything that I did.  So, if this was the last time for me to attend this show, at least I had a great time to cap off 16 years of going to B&B. 

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