Friday, June 17, 2011

End of the Week Thoughts

So the state of Arizona is experiencing the largest wildfire in the state's history centered around Springerville, AZ.  Springerville is west of Phoenix, close to the New Mexican border, and in 1977, I worked an archaeological dig in that general area.  I remember the area as truly beautiful, covered with pinyon trees, experiencing blue skies in the mornings and torrential rains in the afternoons (the summers were the rainy season).  Obviously rain hasn't been happening here.  To find out more information about this wildfire, search for Wallow Fire or Arizona wildfire.  My heart goes out to the residents of the area, they were wonderful people who I enjoyed meeting when I lived in the area. 

I have four story promts staring me in the face, and none of them are working for me.  Of course, that doesn't make any difference since it is the challenge of making the words work for the challenge, rather than making a challenge fit my personal storylines, but I have so many other things going on right now, I am a bit reluctant to dive into some of these.  I'll see what I can do this morning, but I also want to progress on my artwork for Darth's story which is coming together in my head and in real life.  If it all comes together, it will be a new focus for my multimedia artwork...rather fun.  My deadline is quickly approaching and I will have at least two days available for some intensive enamel work, so I think I'll be able to pull this off :-) 

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