Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Counting Down and Still Writing

I can't believe the outpouring of hugs and advice that I received from yesterday's post and I send a most heart-felt THANK YOU to each and every one of you.  I had felt abandoned, and instead realized how rich my life truly was. 

My world is held in caring hands (and I love the nipple rings).

I am counting down to the dentist tomorrow.  I will still be a nervous wreck, but there is no way that I want to go through this pain for a single moment more, so I will go tomorrow and I will be grateful that I can get this taken care of. 

But I am happiest because I am still writing.  There are enough prompts out there to keep me busy for the month of April.  The first is due on Wednesday, so I finally finished the story I wanted to write for it and sent it to my LC friends for their good eyes before I post.  I also drew a piece of art to accompany it, and am still in  the process of coloring it.  But I will be able to scan it today while I'm at work.  My passport hasn't been updated yet, or I would share my completed passport for B2ME month with all of you.  I'm sure it won't be much longer before Dawn has the time to do that, though. 

Teddy Bears don't lie! 

So once again, THANK YOU, to each and every one of you who posted, Emailed, and otherwise let me know I have some value in your life.  It means the world to me. 

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