Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So today I have my root canal.  I awoke this morning looking at the experience similar to looking at a tunnel.  This tunnel has an ending - an opening at the other side that I will exit from, and in six hours or so, I'll be back home, recovering, and I'm sure I'll be feeling much better in the long run.  It's a guarantee that I can't continue with the pain I've been in.  I can't eat anything hot or cold, and just biting causes twinges of pain.  I'm tired of taking high-powered pain meds, I want my life to return to "normalcy".  Yes, I know that's a laugh - there is no normalcy IN my life, but it's a goal, right? 

So I have an opening at the end of my tunnel, and that's a good thing.  There are many situations that people can find themselves in that have no escape, where the end of the tunnel is bricked off and they are trapped.  I feel very fortunate that I am not in a situation or country where that would be the case.  So while I am not looking forward to this dental procedure, I still send my heart out to my fellow women across the world who find themselves in situations where they are trapped - trapped in bad marriages, trapped by war or disease, trapped by being female in a world where that is one step above the value of a cow, or worse.  I will concentrate on how very lucky I am and I will thank Spirit for having placed me here in this time and place, with those around me who support me and help me.  I am blessed. 

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