Monday, April 4, 2011

Hellish Weekend

This was a weekend from hell.  Saturday was filled with pain from my tooth, but also because a dear friend of more than 25 years basically told me to jump off a bridge and that she wanted nothing more to do with me.  I was absolutely shocked and still am.  I would love to give in to anger and rant, rave, and bitch, but that would only be giving in to more of the pain that exists in the world and I refuse to do that.  Instead, I'll honor her request, take her out of my life, and try not to hold her irrational behavior against her.  Much easier said than done, though, and it caused me a lot of stress.  Stress that came out in...

It's a funeral for a friendship, so I am placing a
lovely memorial stone on it.  R I P

Pain.  Pain from my tooth - I'm suddenly starting to be really happy that I can get this taken care of on Wednesday.  I don't think I got more than two hours of sleep in a row for the entire night, waking up in so much pain I was rocking with it and tears were falling.  Mid-night, I finally gave up and took more pain pills.  Then I was finally able to sleep until a little after 8 am, even though I did wake up several more times.  Last night I only took two pain pills and managed to sleep relatively well, waking at midnight, but then going back to sleep until my alarm awakened me.  I'm still upset about my friend, but a day off has allowed the worst of the pain to begin healing.  And playing LOTRO for much of the day yesterday, hooking up with one of my fic-friends in-game was wonderful and very helpful.  Now I need to rewrite the story I wanted to post on Wednesday.  I'm VERY not happy with it.  I'm going to scrap more than 90% of it and rewrite, it will be much better as a result.  It's the beginning of a new week, let's all hope for a good one. 

1 comment:

Pam said...

Sandi, sounds like menopause to me. Her loss. At least it was a clean, though painful, break. I hate those relationships that kind of hang in limbo. Hang in there, and you know you will sleep like a baby Wednesday night. Huggles! Poo