Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wreckage - I Might Live to Write Again, But Life Isn't Cooperating

Our newest assignment for LJ Idol, due tomorrow, is "From the Wreckage". It's a highly appropriate theme, given that our Moderator lives in Florida and had to evacuate during this last hurricane. He said he wasn't super affected by it, but without doubt, there are thousands of people who weren't that lucky. I haven't the vaguest idea of what to write and it's due tomorrow. I'd better try to get my thoughts in order quickly, but today is a kitchen day, and those days simply can't be skipped. 

As always, my thoughts bounce here and there and 
everywhere. But I do have to focus a bit today, 
I have a lot that I have to get done. 

I'm also dealing with getting our security system at the shop upgraded to wireless before we switch to our wireless phone system. DH asked a good question yesterday, and after 10 phone calls with various people in the security company arsenal around the nation, I still don't have an answer for him. Currently, we pay a monthly amount to the security company for "Monitoring Services". These constitute "Intrusion Alarm Monitoring" and "Monitoring - Total Connect". For that service, we are billed approximately $150/month. DH wants to know if the monitoring will be the same after we switch, and more importantly, what it will cost us per month. We need to build that into our budget. After speaking with more than 10 people, I still have no answer. I'll keep trying today in between cooking. We do need an answer. 

Argh! ... just ARGH!

We have decided to pay for the wireless security system up front, which is almost $1000 (I did manage to get them talked down from $1200, but couldn't improve past that). If I was going to be in business for another five years, I'd probably finance it over 60 months. But I'm not planning to be in business past next year, so no. I won't obligate myself to pay for something I won't be using. *sigh* What a PITA. 

A while ago, there was a full digital scan done of an 
iconic wrech - Titanic on the ocean floor. The detail 
they were able to get in the scan, despite the depths 
and darkness, is exceptional. Such a joy to find 
this photo to share with all of you. 

So, as I look back upon my personal wreckage, I could write about that ... but how boring. No. I need to figure out something that will be far more interesting to read about than real life - LOL. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. I'm bundling up (it's a cold morning), hoping I can get a good look at our "Super Moon" and heading to the swimming pool. Have a wonderful Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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