Tuesday, October 15, 2024

LJ Idol, Bags and Winter is Coming

A bit of a rushed post today because it's a swimming day and I actually slept until my 3:00 am alarm went off. Thanks to all of your votes, I survived last week's Idol challenge and move on to Week 12. I think this is the longest I've survived in this writing competition, and I'm thrilled. The theme this time is "From the Wreckage" - appropriate since our Guru and Moderator lives in Florida. 

I don't think I've ever survived to Week 12 in LJ Idol 
before this time and I thank each and every one of 
you who have voted for my stories. This week's story 
is due in two days, so I'd better get thinking and writing. LOL

I'm heading to the pool in about 20 minutes, so this post will be "compact" LOL. It's been a bit crazy at the shop - either feast or famine. I need more "feast" days and less of the "famine" days. Yesterday was a total famine day, starting out with a street person buying a single long leather lace to redo his shoelaces. Apparently he suffered from narcolepsy, because he had a couple of episodes while he was in the shop chair changing his lace and getting things cut correctly for the pair. He was well spoken and quite nice, but I imagine his illness made him completely unemployable. He lives on the streets, it was easy to tell, but he was bundled up appropriately for the much colder weather we are having right now, and for the winter upcoming. I wish him well on his journeys. 

I'd never met someone suffering from 
narcolepsy before. It was rather 
eye-opening and a bit shocking. I 
really felt for the guy because the 
impact on his life must be horrible. 

I offered to buy him a cup of coffee, but he turned me down with thanks and headed on his way. I did have one of my regular customers in later, but it was a really slow day. Maybe just because it's a Monday, maybe because people are apprehensive about their futures until after the election. Maybe a lot of things, but the result was a really poor day of sales. 

My paper bags are packaged and wrapped 
into "sleeves" with two sleeves per 
box. Usually they just pull out the excess, 
this time they didn't, and I had a 
new salesperson. So I suspect I got 
and was charged for two times what 
I needed and ordered. The excess is 
being returned for credit this morning. 

So I'm off to the pool to work off some of my frustration. I'll have to make a detour on my way to work and drop off a bundle of paper bags I purchased yesterday (and get a refund for them). I ordered one sleeve of bags, but they gave me a box which has two sleeves. I don't need that many bags, and can't afford them either. So, one sleeve is going to be returned today. 

Without a doubt, winter is coming to the Frozen 
Northlands. We escaped winter last year - it was 
highly unusual and exceptionally warm without 
snow. We won't get that lucky a second time 
in a row. 

That's all from St Paul. Our temperatures are dropping, and I suspect I won't have a wonderful winter like last one's. This year I'll be doing a lot of snow shoveling to get to the gym. Last year's winter was a joke. This year ... well, let's just say that winter will return from its' vacation ready and willing to give us lots of snow once again. The vacation was very nice, but I think it'll be good to have a real winter also, even though it's a ton of work for DH pulling snow down from the roof so that we don't leak in the house. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'm off to the pool. Slava Ukraini. 

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