Friday, August 9, 2024

Oubaitori - My Story Is Up and I'd LOVE Your Vote

After some serious panic when my post/story wasn't showing up on DreamWidth the way it was supposed to, I had to shut everything down and actually work for a few hours. I did have a chance to check again late in the day, as the deadline for submission was quickly approaching, and saw a comment about my story, so I knew somehow it had flown through cyberspace and appeared where I wanted it to. There are a couple of typos that I didn't catch (GRRRR), but given that I was doing all of this in little bits and pieces as time allowed, I'm grateful it all came together. 

As a reminder, the theme for this week was Oubaitori. The 
stories that have been posted are all over the place in 
concept. It's so much fun to read them and see where 
everyone came down on this broad topic. 

As always, after the stories have all been submitted, there's a vote. You've come through for me in the past, and the competition is getting harder and harder (as it's supposed to - LOL). I'd appreciate your votes. Here's a link to my story:

and here's a link to the voting page:

As always, thanks in advance if you both read and vote (hopefully for my story). Your votes have kept me in the pack here, and there are some VERY talented writers in the group. Anytime I can survive a vote and go on to the next challenge is a good time, indeed! 

I've been sticking to a WildFit lifestyle for five years now, and 
have no regrets at all. For me, it works and works well. Having 
my alkagizers is a big part of that - and Fridays are the day 
when I make what I need for the next week. 

In other news, it's a "day off" for me today, and I need to make Ogre Juice and continue working on picking up around the house, getting ready for Sharon's annual visit in a few short weeks. There's so much to do. You know how it is. You keep a clean house - pick up, wipe down, vacuum and dust, but when a visitor is due, you look at everything with a more critical eye. So today I'm thinking about actually conditioning the wood paneling because it's looking really scuzzy. I need to clean DH's bathroom because we'll have to share when Sharon is using the bathroom that I usually use, etc, etc. Never ending. And rather silly. 

I was raised right - I do know what housecleaning should 
be and how a house should look/smell afterward. Our 
house is improving somewhat, but I have too much to do 
and too few hours in each day in which to do those 
"things that must be done". 

Sharon isn't coming to visit the house, she's coming to visit the Fair (and incidentally to visit me and DH - LOL). She'll get a chance to show photos of her two adorable kittens - very much cats by this time, and fill me in on her plans for retirement - which are a lot closer to fulfillment than my own are. The house, although I do want to make sure it's realistically clean and tidy, doesn't need to be impeccable. Far from. I'm not sure I've EVER actually attained THAT goal - LOL. Even my Mom would have difficulty with that one and she kept an almost immaculate house. Well, Mom. You trained me, but I fail miserably because I want to live my life, not spend it cleaning - LOL. 

If you have a chance to read my story and you like 
it, I'd very much appreciate your vote. So far I'm 
holding my own thanks to all of your votes. I can't 
do this without you. So, THANK YOU in advance. 

Have an excellent Friday. Please read my latest tale and if you like it, I'd very much appreciate your votes. Enjoy your day, Slava Ukraini. I'll be listening to the Olympics while working in the house today. Closing ceremonies tomorrow, if I recall the schedule. Wow - time flies! 

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