Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's Going to be a Busy "Day Off"

I've been having so much fun watching the Olympic games. The Summer games always make me a bit happier than the winter ones. I love the sports for both of them, but I like the warmth of the Summer games, versus dislike the cold of the Winter ones. I've done sports in both (and all) seasons, though, so I really shouldn't be picky. Still, I'm happy to be watching gymnastics and swimming and archery and skateboarding, etc. So many different sports. So much fun! 

Take a little bit of time from your day to also be kind 
to yourself. All too often, as women (and a few guys), 
we put ourselves last and everyone else first. Give 
a bit of that time back to yourself today. Make yourself 
a cup of tea, maybe read a book for a half hour or 
so. Sit in your garden, feed the birds. Be kind to 
yourself, you're the only you you've got. 

It's a "day off" today, but I start out with a doctor appointment early in the morning. I'm glad I remembered - I had good luck to be able to get it scheduled in the first place. My doctor is very popular and I wouldn't want to disappoint her. She's fabulous! I've been seeing her for years. I knew her when she was still single, she's been married to a fellow physician for years now and they have three children. Yeah - it's been quite a while seeing her. I like that kind of constancy. You can develop a rapport and a history with someone and it cuts through a lot of the BS that happens when you're feeling your way into a newer relationship - personal or professional. 

Always do your best to be kind to others. Spread smiles, 
be happy to see others and greet them with joy. Just 
that little bit of kindness can make the difference in 
someone's day. 

Since I'm in a bit of a rush today - errands, laundry, trash barrels out to the curb, cooking, shopping, etc - AFTER I see my doc, I'm going to cut this a bit shorter than usual. I hope you are going to have a simply awesome day. Please be kind, smile at others (if it's perceived as friendly in your society), help someone in some fashion today, and maybe even sing a little bit. It's a great day to be alive. I'll be back tomorrow, I'm heading off to the pool to get my morning swim in the glorious outdoors. Have an excellent Wednesday. Slava Ukraini. 

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