Friday, July 26, 2024

A Bit of This and a Bit of That

To start with, for those having difficulty with the link for voting on LJ Idol, Gary posted the following late last night which might be of assistance to you in this current vote, as well as others in future. Here's what he had to say and hopefully this will be of assistance to you, because I certainly value your votes if you like what I write from challenge to challenge.

Just as a reminder that anyone with a DW/Open ID (which includes LJ) is able to vote. If you don't have a DW account, you can click on the "Open iD" option on the Log In page.

So, if you read my story and were unable to link for voting, that may be of help. If not for this tale, then perhaps another one later in the "competition". Or, maybe it will be something else you read that you want to comment on, for me or anyone else. Instructions like this are handy to have in general, right?

Yesterday DH came into the shop early (it was a scheduled day off for him) and we settled into the basement to deal with wire. Not a favorite job. Way back in the dawn of prehistory we had ordered bulk crafting wire with the intention of spooling it off and packing it up into smaller amounts for resale. Good idea, horrible idea in execution. The wire, especially the thinner versions, was almost impossible to easily pull off and repack. So yesterday we worked on a 20 gauge (quite reasonable, but still required two people to do effectively), and a 26 gauge (akin to Sisyphus pushing the rock up the hill in the realm of Hades, i.e., almost impossible). We ended up with a tangled mess, which we finally got untangled, but it's still in a large mass and needs to be broken down into salable quantities. *sigh* Tempers flared for this one.

Sometimes life can be like that, though. Poor decisions will need to be dealt with, handled to the best of your ability, and worked through. We'll get that wire packaged, although it might be in the shorter versions only, instead of larger bulk versions. A little flexibility in decisions and choices can make a BIG difference in end results and peace between partners.

So today is a "day off" and I'll be making next week's "Ogre Juice" as well as cooking whatever else I decide I need. I hope to get some housecleaning done too, and I need to remember to check my stock of vitamins - my favorite brand is BOGO (Buy One, Get One) at my grocer this week and I need to take advantage of a sale like that. I suddenly seem to have a great deal on my plate for the day, so I'd better get moving. I'll be back tomorrow - Slava Ukraini. OH! And Opening Ceremonies for the Paris Olympics is today too, I'll have to remember to try and watch. Enjoy! (Running late, no photos today - sorry!)

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