Wednesday, June 5, 2024

We Beat the Rain - Fence Success

The fence people were at the door around 8:00 am and jumped right to work. DH was HORRIBLE at sending photos, although he did give me commentary to keep me up-to-date. Still, I only have two photos to share with all of you since I was at work and he was here watching things come into place. As it ended up, it was a good thing he was actually paying attention (something that doesn't always happen) since he caught the fact that one panel had not been fully nailed into place and was able to catch them and get that done before declaring everything done and dusted. DH sent me a couple of photos before the skies opened up and a deluge of rain came down. We'll send the final payment off to them tomorrow, and finally, this saga will be finished. 

Looking up at the fence while it was being erected. DH was 
standing in the lower garden area, looking Southwest into 
the upper back yard. 

It's been a long and VERY expensive process. It's not that we couldn't afford it - but it was a definite strain on the budget. Still, if this one lasts for as long as the last one, it's quite likely we'll both be dead by that time since the last fence lasted for almost 20 years and we're in our early 70's now. 

Here, the fence is completely erected. You can see 
the gate in the center section, then from the 
gate onward, the fence goes steeply downward 
to the lower garden area, until it joins with our 
neighbor Bob's chain link fence. It really looks 
wonderful. I'm VERY happy with it, and so very 
grateful to have a fence back in place once again. 

So today will be a housecleaning day. I'm seeing too many ants again (a couple of the really tiny ones, and a couple of the big carpenter ants). It's time to refresh the ant traps, so that's on my agenda for the day. My first load of laundry is in the washer and there will be two more today. I'll do grocery shopping, but I don't need a major buy this time - I still have soup from last week's cook to finish up before cooking another large batch of something or other. I do have to take a small check to my bank for depositing. It's a check that is made out to my mother - royalties from Dad's books amounting to less than $20. Still, the publisher has to distribute the royalties, and my mother is the beneficiary. I used to have a separate account set up for these funds, but that was many years ago when they actually amounted to several hundred dollars each check. That's not the case now, so I need advise from my bank on how to get it deposited properly. 

Remember these guys? Well, they are grown and gone now, 
but they were typically messy teenagers during their 
last week or two in the nest. The area around my front door 
looks awful and getting it cleaned up is high on today's agenda. 

Finally, I want to get the bird detritus from our baby robins cleaned off around my front porch. Those little guys were FAR from clean - they messed and made droppings everywhere, and there are pieces of the old nest that Mama Robin cleaned away still scattered around as well. I need to hook up my hose pressure washer to get that cleaned up, and I need the upper yard hose attached to the spigot to do that. Unfortunately, the hose isn't attached, and I'm quite sure I'll become a mosquito smorgasbord when I'm trying to get the coupling together. *sigh* It's too bad I don't have a safari helmet with netting attached. 

I should probably wear something similar 
to this to get the hose attached to the spigot 
and clean up the bird mess. The mosquitoes 
are out for blood in that part of the yard, and 
I don't feel like a serious battle. I'm pretty sure 
I can find something at Cabalas or REI. 

Have an excellent Wednesday. It rained like crazy last night, but I should have a lovely outdoor swim today, watching the sun rise while doing my laps. I'm so happy that the outdoor pool is open once again. I wouldn't like running out there in cold temps, but it's a total joy in the summer months. Have an excellent Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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