Friday, May 17, 2024

Time Is Flying By - Updates on This and That and Fence News

Chickie is taking a day of vacation today. Her cousin flew into town last night, and Chickie and Chickie Mama are driving him down to northern Iowa today to attend his grandson's college graduation. At least I think it's a college graduation, not a High School graduation. Still - I don't know for sure, so we'll just call it a "Graduation". In any event - one of those milestones in a kid's life. So Dennis flew into the Twin Cities last night, they're driving him to his son's place today, and then return to the Cities tonight. It's only a 2-3 hour drive, so not horrid, and the weather should be kind. 

Graduation is always an event - High School or College. 
It's one of those milestone events in life, and should be 
acknowledged and celebrated. Congrats to all of you who 
may have friends or family graduating. Enjoy the event 
and celebrate the next stage of life for these grads. 

In many ways, I'm grateful that I don't deal with a lot of family things. I'm in the older generation for my nieces and nephews. That means I get invited to events, but just a short list of them. I don't get invited to every event - the kid's performances, sporting events, and minor graduations are kept in a closer circle of family. Since DH and I are rather solitary people, that's just fine with us. 

Here is Lexi, wrapped in her blanket and holding her 
eagle feather. I have a feeling that this graduation will mean 
more to her in years to come than the official one where 
she'll receive her diploma will. 

My oldest grand-niece,  Lexi, is finishing her senior year of High School, ready to start college at a fine private college in the general area this coming Fall. Her high school has a strong Native American group, and they held their own graduation event for the NA students earlier in the week. Lexi was given traditional gifts - a lovely blanket and an eagle feather. She's a registered Native American woman, so has the legal right to have an eagle feather. I do hope she knows how to wrap it and care for it, but I'm sure someone will teach her. It's not up to me, although I certainly could step up and do that if called upon. 

Not that you need reminding, but I have this HUGE 18 foot 
gap in my fence from where the posts rotted out. The rest 
of the fence is also falling apart. It will be a delight to have a 
new, strong fence again. We got almost 20 years from the old 
fence, so that's not too bad. We probably won't be living in 
this house any more when the replacement starts to rot out. 

I had a call from my fence people yesterday, and they'll be out on Tuesday to tear down the remainder of the fence and pour the new fittings for the fence posts. I'm not sure how long it will be before they'll install the new panels, but we're one step closer to having our yard back once again. We've been very careful to keep the open distance they require while we were planting our garden. We're not taking responsibility for our wayward ferns, however. If they get stepped on and broken, I have a few hundred available and we won't really miss a single plant or two. 

I find it odd that Rosemary still has the original 
"Leave a message" recording on her phone, but 
then again, why change it? It's her husband's 
voice, probably recorded shortly before he went 
into a long-term care facility. 

So, since I'm working today, I have to get going. I was finally able to leave a phone message for Rosemary yesterday - I called her from work on the land line, and the call finally went through to her answering machine. It's odd - she's still got her husband's voice on the "leave a message" recording. He died several years ago, and was in a care center, then hospice, for a few years before. I'm quite surprised she's kept his recording on the answering machine, but then again, it's a reminder of a strong marriage that lasted for many, many years. 

Time is a precious commodity - one of those things that 
can never be recaptured, once lost. Choose what you spend 
your time with carefully. You don't want to waste any of 
this rare and precious gift. 

I'm off and running. I have to work for Chickie, so no time to waste. Thanks go out to my hockey friend in Nebraska for the wonderful birthday gift of four hockey DVD's. Absolutely FABULOUS. I actually went on to B&N to buy the book for "Indian Horse: A Novel" by Richard Wagamese. I'm looking forward to reading it. One of the DVDs is in French, which I don't speak, but hey - it's hockey. I'll figure it out, and I think there are English subtitles as an option. So ... WHOOT. A great and very unexpected gift from an on-line friend. 

Well, since I have to work today, I have to get things moving. Tempus fugit! Have an excellent Friday and I'll be back to wrap the week up tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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