Thursday, May 23, 2024

Surprise! It's the Fence Guys! - The Saga Continues LOL

Yesterday was my "day off" and was filled with plans - all of which got totally trashed around mid-day. The day started out as usual - laundry washing, swimming, and grocery shopping. I came home, put the groceries away, put the first load into the dryer and started washing load #2. I made the upstairs bed, put DH's clothes into the washer and was hungry. I had fruit on the kitchen counter ready to wash, cut and bake for my breakfasts for the next week plus, and I was hungry, so I had a quick early bowl of vegetable soup. Making sure I was as caught up as possible, I was once again contemplating the fruit when ... 

We're getting this style of fence. Of course, now all we have 
are the posts - nothing between them. We're totally open to 
Laura and Fakhri's yard. It's a good thing they are neighbors 
that we like. The previous owners hadn't said "Boo" to us 
in more than 20 years. 

The front doorbell was ringing. This is rare, and Mama Robin wasn't appreciative, I'm quite sure. Looking out, I noticed a guy dressed like my fence people. Hmmm - they weren't due until Thursday, were they? But I opened the door, and it was indeed the fence guy. He said the scheduler had decided to put us on the Wednesday schedule, instead of the Thursday he had thought. Oops! OK then. We went into the back yard to look at the fence, and I explained exactly what they were supposed to do, and I phoned DH at the shop. 

We now have a row of fence posts set into 
concrete. The posts are 6x6 wood, eight feet tall. 
The old posts, which look pretty knarly, are stacked 
upright next to my patio door. Hopefully DH will 
do something about those today, but if not, I'll bug him 
about it over the weekend. I DON'T want those there. 
If he feels the need to keep them, he can stack them 
behind the shed. 

After FINALLY getting DH on the phone, I told him to get his ass home NOW. Leave Chickie alone for a half-hour or so (usually not a problem), and come and deal with the fence people. I left the fence guys to eat an early lunch in their huge truck, flipped laundry to the dryer and started the third load, put things away in the kitchen, and gathered my laptop. I put everything into Minnion and backed out of the garage so that DH could just pull right in, and since the trash had been collected, I was able to put the bins back into the garage too. It was also my turn to cancel our weekly chat with Aearwen. *sigh* Hopefully next week will be uneventful and we'll just have a LOT to catch up on - LOL. 

These little birds are a bit older than the ones we've got 
in our nest. I'm grateful that the eggs hatched, however. 
More often than not, the squirrels get to the nest before 
the birds have hatched. But, Mama Robin now has 
several VERY hungry nestlings to feed. She's plenty 
busy pulling earthworms and finding juicy bugs for 

I did ask the guys to be kind to our dear Mama Robin and use the Western gate to go in and out of the backyard instead of the eastern slope. They agreed - (apparently they loved birds also - LOL). After a short while, DH pulled in with his truck, I told him what was what, and left as he was greeting the fence guys. 

When I finally got home from the shop, all of our fence posts have now been set into newly poured domed concrete posts. DH says he might add more concrete later (why, I have no idea. It looked quite well done to me). The rest of my evening was spent finishing up all of the tasks I had left in limbo = taking out load #2 from the dryer and putting load #3 into it, feeding my hummingbirds, and putting the fruit into a bowl since I won't get a chance to cut and cook it until Friday. So, it was an eventful day. Now, I'm off to the pool for my final swim of the week, then I'll head to the shop. DH would have worked for me today, but both Chickie and I hate working just with him. He's not nearly as helpful as he thinks he is when it comes to helping on the sales floor. So DH can have today off, to look at the concrete work and think he could have done better. (He couldn't have - he's not really all that good with concrete.) Still, we're now one step closer to getting a fence back up. Thank goodness! I'll be back tomorrow, so have a great Thursday! Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל.

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