Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Are You Creative? Are You Human? Then Of Course You're Creative

It's not often that I'm not easily grasping a theme when I sit down at the keyboard. But today is one of those days when themes and subjects flit through my mind, only to be dismissed. Nah - boring. Nope - mentioned that not too long ago. Nope - you don't want to harp on a subject. OMG No! - Politics don't belong in anyone's blog in the early morning. So ... what to discuss today? 

Ideas - some people chase them down, others drown in 
the wave of them that is always striking down onto 
their shores. Ideas are out there, many are not feasible, 
or your talents may not allow you to play with them, but 
ideas are everywhere! 

Well, how about - "Where do you get your ideas from?" Do you write, paint, make mosaics, work with pencils or wood? Are you a person who creates? I'm not talking a "creative" person, I'm talking about a person who creates. They're not the same. A creative person is someone I associate with actually being able to make a living (although it might be scant) from their art or writing or music. A person who creates is someone who is living, breathing, and moving on the surface of this world. Because we ALL create. 

A creative person. Sometimes people tell me that they aren't 
a creative person. I call BS on that. We are ALL creative 
people, just not necessarily in a way that is immediately 
recognized by others as "creative". But as a race - humanity - 
we are ALL creative, for good or for bad. 

In one way or another - whether it be at the stove or oven, at a pad of paper with a pencil, at a potter's wheel or in a stained glass studio - we all create. If you change a recipe and make it your own, you're creative. If you colored between the lines (or outside of them) when you were a child, you're creative. If you write a single paragraph or a poem and think to yourself. "Hmmm, this is good!", you're creative. 

All human beings are creative, just not necessarily in an 
artistic manner. There are LOTS of ways to be creative, 
and few of them are acknowledged as being such. Maybe 
we should open our eyes a bit more and acknowledge that 
we, as a race, are creative. It's probably the only reason 
we've survived this long (since some people's creativity 
seem to lean towards destruction instead of creation). 

Occasionally I'll have people come up to me or text or email me telling me that they aren't creative. I call BS on that! Everyone is creative, but the field of your creativity might not be mine. And areas of creativity can change over time - art forms I delved into years ago might rarely be touched these days. It doesn't negate the creativity, the creative urge just switched to a different venue. So, I don't write any more (except for my daily blog). It doesn't mean I'm not creative in that venue, just pushing my energies in different directions. Is anyone out there creatively cleaning? If so, my house could really use your tender loving care! LOL But seriously, think about it. You Are A Human Being Therefore, You Are Creative. You can choose the venue, but you can never truly stop the flow. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'm off to the pool, and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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