Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Mystery at the Pool and a Lovely Dinner

It's a "day off" today. It's 3:53 am and I've already done my morning meditation, put a load of laundry into the washer, and gathered my swim gear, placing it before the exit door to the garage. It's a garbage day, so I'll be putting the garbage bin at the curb as I leave for the gym in 20 minutes or so. Just enough time to get my blog written and posted. Yeah - a rather typical Wednesday morning. My other mornings are quite similar on swim days, except for the laundry and trash can episodes.  No rest - for the wicked or the good. Time marches onward and we have no choice but to join in the parade. 

I'm joining the parade because time marches onward and 
we all have no choice but to follow along in its' wake. 

My long-time friend Rosemary was missing from swimming yesterday, She's as regular as clockwork - never misses. But her back has really been bothering her and I wonder if it was hurting so much that she decided to give it a rest. I swam in her lane yesterday so that it wouldn't be lonely - LOL. I'll have to check my phone. If I have a number for her and if she's still absent today, I'll probably try to phone her and make sure she's OK. Usually if she's leaving to spend a few days with family, she lets us know.

Rosemary and I aren't "best" friends, but we're friends and 
have been swim mates for more than a decade. Still, I don't 
have her phone number. I'll have to ask the lifeguard if she 
has her number if she's MIA again today. I know her back 
has been hurting her, so she may be taking a quick medical 
absence, but she's usually as regular as clockwork. 

It's nice, when you're older, to have friends around you who will actually notice your absence and care about your well-being. It's one of the reasons I post six days a week online - so that if I keel over, people might turn a random thought towards me and remember me. It's the only way to achieve immortality - through the memories of others. I have little to leave behind me except a messy house and more than 400 posts. It's not much of a legacy, but it's mine - LOL. (I could probably do without the "messy" part of the messy house.) 

No day off on Friday this week, so I have to be sure 
I get everything I need done today. It's bound to be a 
busy day, therefore. Lots to do! 

I don't get my Friday off this week - Chickie and Chickie Mama are driving to Iowa to visit a relative from the East Coast who's grandchild is graduating from an Iowa college. Although Chickie Mama could make the drive solo, it's only two to three hours away, Chickie was more comfortable doing the driving for her. No problem - she's entitled to some vacation time. So I'll have to work on Friday. That crams all of my errands and cooking into today. Serious scheduling issues, but I'll manage. 

My sashimi was tuna and salmon - quite lovely. With fresh 
ginger and hot paste - it was a delightful dinner, and very 
thoughtful of DH to get for me. 

Finally, DH surprised me last night by having purchased sashimi for my dinner. Yippee! I adore sashimi, and it was a lovely treat. It was a late birthday dinner since we were too occupied over the weekend with all of the new plants. I was quite pleased and it was a delightful dinner. Now I've got to get going. The pool isn't waiting on me, and I have to put the trash at the curb for today's pickup. It's going to be a busy, busy day. Have a good one, and be kind. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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