Monday, April 29, 2024

A Busy Day Ahead - Monday, Monday

Today starts out quickly, with an Orthodontist appointment at 7:30 am. From there I scoot to work. Since I'm gong to the Ortho, I'll skip breakfast until after my appointment. Therefore, no "toast" for me today. I'll grab a container of cooked fruit for my breakfast, and that'll just have to do. I'm sure I'll survive - LOL. I'm really hoping he can make some adjustments that will make my brackets stop ripping the interior of my mouth to shreds. It's painful, and I'm not to happy when this happens. It seems to happen more frequently a week or two before my visits with him, and then skips again for another 6-8 weeks. 

Dr DeVoe and some of his staff. It was a tough hunt 
to find photos of him and the clinic, but I finally tracked 
him down on Facebook. I suppose I should send him 
a "friend" request - LOL. 

Yesterday was a fun day of playing "Lord of the Rings Online" and the ice hockey playoffs. There were some really fun games to watch, and I hated having to go to sleep, but I would be a Zombie for the entire week if I didn't get my Monday sleep-until-5:00 am slumber. I do tend to push the sleep envelope by the end of the week, there's no sense in starting the week on a deficit. 

Those of you who know LOTRO will recognize the 
"Prancing Pony" immediately. Those who only have read 
the "Lord of the Rings" books, may not recognize the 
building, but will certainly recognize the name of the inn. 

We would have spent Sunday outdoors, of course, but it was cold and rainy and we simply didn't want to be outdoors. DH did check the garden out first thing in the morning. It's his ritual and not to be missed. I, however, did my own ritual load of laundry and kitchen clean-up. So exciting, our lives are! LOL 

We're continuing to watch whatever games we can 
catch in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. There have been 
some REALLY good hockey games - very entertaining, 
with fast action and tremendous goals. Fun! 

If I'm really lucky (and I doubt I will be), I can continue working on my Crystals mastersheet today. It's unlikely, since DH really doesn't deal with customers. But, I do hope we'll be busy enough for me to keep the laptop in it's backpack until tomorrow. So ... today will be semi-boring, "normal" and nothing exciting. In many ways, I rather hope I go to sleep tonight thinking about absolutely nothing. That will make it a very good day indeed. And so, I wish for you - all of my readers - a wonderful Monday. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini and חיים למען ישראל. 

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