Saturday, August 13, 2022

Dragons - Yesterday's Clean Was My Dragons, So I Photographed Them

I dearly wanted to share a video with all of you, one that I took yesterday afternoon while decompressing in my garden. This crazy hummingbird came to my feeder and flitting about and drinking, but then it actually settled down on the feeder and it stayed ... for 2-1/2 minutes! At least 30 seconds of which it was perched, like a sparrow or chickadee, just sitting there looking around at the scenery. Quite bizarre and unlike any hummer behavior I've seen up to this point. I was filming the whole thing on my phone, but because it's such a long clip, it's a huge file and it isn't transferring properly. I'll have to look into how to minimize the size of the file to get it moved over so that I can share it with you. 

Five humans have managed to capture a green dragon by the 
leg and put it in chains. But is it really captured? I have my 
doubts they'll actually be able to hold it for long. 

Yesterday I devoted myself to dragons. I was going to shampoo the carpeting, but I couldn't work up any enthusiasm for that task, so I cleaned, dusted, and photographed my dragons instead, doing a few repairs while I was going through them. I have two that I'm bringing to the shop with me today. Dragons that need my Foredom flex-shaft equipment to get adequately repaired. The UV glue seems to work well, although it took a bit of getting used to - where to put the glue and how it would best be used. Instead of sharing my hummingbird video, I'll share a few dragon photos instead. 

This dragon is an excellent example of a sea dragon. I have 
quite a few sea or water dragons in the collection, but this 
one is quite striking. DH and I used to take a dragon and 
a sketchpad and each draw it for an afternoon's activity. 
I'm pretty sure this is one that I've drawn in the past. 

I didn't have the energy to set up the larger white-box, so I used my travel box instead. It's not the best background, but at some point I'll set up the full array and take photos of all of these again. Counting them up, I have 46 McFarlane dragons, and two that need repair before they can be photographed. That makes 48 total in that series, and there are other dragons on my shelving as well. I guess I'm rather enamored of dragons. Anyone have one who is eating them out of house and home? Apparently I've got a colony - LOL. 

This frost dragon looks cold and icy. I think 
I have at least one more dragon from the 
cold reaches, but since dragons are cold-
blooded, they tend towards warmer climates. 

I'm still heartsick. I'll share some dragons with you and call this done for the day. I hope you have a good Saturday and good weekend. It's hard to believe that Renaissance Festival starts next weekend! The summer is drawing to a close. Slava Ukraini. 

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