Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Tarot and Alkagizers - Mixing Things Up

Yesterday's Tarot lesson went through the four suits - Swords, Wands, Cups and Pentacles or Coins. She touched on the major meanings and directions of each of the suits and how they would work interpreting the same event through the filter of each of the suits. I listened to the lesson again later in the day, wanting to really understand the slants that each suit can bring to the same person/event. 

The Tarot deck I'm currently using and that I'm 
totally in love with is this one - the Tarot 
of Dreams. The pictures are outstanding, the 
cards are heavy and will last for years, and my
fingers itch to handle them, so I know it's a 
total winner for me. Today we reviewed 
Swords, and of course, the cover photo is 
the Ace of Swords. So beautiful! 

Today's lesson was a quick run-through on the cards in the suit of Swords - the choices that Swords poises for each session where it is drawn. Although she suggested not listening to it again until all four suits have been reviewed, I'm probably going to take advantage of my "day off" and take one more listen. Of course, I also have a Zoom call at 11:00 am with my Living Wildfit group for "Cinco de Mayo Foods" and my regular 4:00 pm call with Aearwen, as well as grocery shopping. Ogre Juice making, and lots of work pending for my Etsy crystals pages to do. "Whew"! When I add in my three loads of laundry, it starts to look like a very busy day - LOL. 

Alkagizers are normally quite green (not as green 
as this photo, but green). Putting one small beet 
into the mix changed everything from the flavor 
profile to the color. Suddenly instead of a definite 
green color, it was pinkish/brown, like adobe 
bricks. It was very tasty though, so I call the 
experiment a win. 

Last week when I made my Ogre Juice, I decided on the spur of the moment to add one fresh beet to the mix because the beet looked pretty awesome. It was definitely a different addition. Suddenly there was a serious sweetness to the veggie smoothie, and instead of being green in color, it was closer to the color of adobe bricks. Chickie called it mud, but I termed it adobe because there was this undertone of pink to the smoothie. It was lovely, though. Very tasty. I'm back to the old "all veggie" recipe today, though, when I shop for my veggies. Unless I see something else that calls for me, I'll be sticking to the norm. 

I loved the imagery of the "Steampunk" Tarot, 
and found it was offered in two sizes - standard 
and mini. I had been looking for a smaller 
deck, so I decided to get both of them. I want
 one that's easy to carry along, but I also 
love the artwork and like large format at 

I ordered two Tarot decks yesterday from a supplier I used a long time ago with a VAST selection. I had been looking for a smaller-sized deck - I have small hands and sometimes handling the standard decks can be hard for me. So I found two of the same deck that appealed to me - the standard and the small "Steampunk" deck. So, I'm off to the pool. Have an excellent day and I'll be back tomorrow for Cinco de Mayo. Slava Ukraini. 

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