Monday, November 29, 2021

Balancing - Chakras and Life - It's a Challenge

I hope all of you had a good weekend. We started our day out with hockey, then moved over to football for the remainder of the day. I slept in late, getting almost 11 hours of sleep, so I'm caught up for a few days - a very good thing. I also went to bed early last night. So, of course, I also awakened early. That gave me a rare opportunity for a week day - I was able to take an hour for my morning meditation. It was delightful to work with two of my favorite trainers and expand my horizons a bit more. I feel very balanced now - LOL (at least my chakras certainly are). 

I enjoy my morning meditation and try to get at 
least 15 minutes in every morning. Today was a 
treat. Because I awakened so early, I allowed myself 
to do almost a full hour of meditation. I'm feeling 
very grounded and quite happy. 

I've been working on my Christmas gifts list for DH. I know I won't get half of what I put down, but I'm willing to dream a bit. We're working most days until Christmas, now that Thanksgiving is over, and I'll take any opportunity to relax that I might have available. to me. I'm trying hard to find the perfect gift for Sharon. I know I'll find it eventually, but I haven't located it yet, so I need to increase my efforts. 

I came across this grown-up Christmas List. 
I must admit, I totally agree with the 
sentiments. I hope it comes across large enough 
to allow you to read it too. 

I did finish gluing the interiors of my cards together yesterday. I hope to finish the interior of the actual fold-over card this morning, but it is a swimming day, and that means I have a bit less time to work on things at the shop than I would on a non-swimming day. But it's a swimming day, and that's always a glorious thing - so no real complaints here. 

Swimming days are hard exercise, but absolutely lovely 
days. I adore the pool, and it's so wonderful to be back 
in the water again. I missed it horribly while Covid 
kept all of us home-bound. 

I'll start printing out the envelopes this week during my evenings. I use my home printer for those. I'm also making a few decisions that will allow me a bit more speed. It's almost December and some design sacrifices must be made because I got such a late start on my Holiday Cards this year. Ideally, I'd love for them to be mailed by the end of the week. Realistically, it's going to be next week sometime. It's good to have goals, but reality does tend to stick it's foot into the door of idealism. LOL

I tend to be a bit heavy on the Idealism 
side. DH tends to be heavy on the 
Realism side. It makes us a good team, 
but also means we butt heads often. 

Have an excellent Monday. I'm going to play Drowning Guppy for an hour and then hit the ground running. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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