Tuesday, March 3, 2020

It's Super Tuesday - Vote If You Can

It's Super Tuesday, and I live in a Super Tuesday state, so I'll be heading to the polls on my way to work this morning. It messes with my schedule a bit, but since it's a primary (and our first primary in my state - we used to do things via caucus instead of a direct vote), I don't expect it will take very long. The hurdle here is that they require a party declaration which then opened the voter up to mail and phone calls from that party as well as anyone else they sold the list to. I think that got blocked by the legislature and they can no longer sell the list. Either way, I vote. It's important. 

Up until this election, my state has decided their candidates
via caucus. That has now changed and the populace can
cast a vote for their candidate of choice for their declared
political party - Democrat or Republican. A party affiliation
MUST be declared to vote in the primary. 

I admit, this is a Primary, not the November General Election. To some people that may mean this election is less important than the nationwide Presidential election. I have to disagree, however. All elections are important. Every single one of them, if you're a female in our world today, is exercising an option that wasn't even possible barely a century ago. Since those old days, women have managed to get themselves legally thought of as people, not just appendages and reproductive machines. It's been a long and hard-fought battle that still is being fought in parts of the world today. I would be shaming my outspoken ancestors if I ignored my opportunity to cast a ballot. 

I don't expect a long line or huge crowd, and my polling location
is usually very efficient, so I should be in and out quickly. 

So, if today is a Super Tuesday in your state, I hope you exercise your right as a voter, go to your polls and cast your vote. As I said above, it's important. Have an excellent Tuesday and I'm off to the pool. Yippee! 

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