Monday, February 3, 2020

Super Bowl Wrap Up and Commercials I Liked

I had a wonderful Super Bowl Sunday and spent most of it with a needle in my hand and beads on my mat. DH brought a box down from the library and worked on cleaning out the junk that was in it - mostly collected recipes and old newspaper food sections. We did find my old wheat bread recipe from my college days. When I was getting my BA, I lived with three other girls and I made two loaves of wheat bread every week for our meals and sandwiches. There were other keepers in the stacks too, but a large quantity ended up in the recycling bin for Wednesday's pickup. 

We're quite conscientious about recycling, our town picks up
alongside our trash every other week, and the large recycling
bins are provided free of charge to anyone requesting one. It
makes things really simple. Every other Wednesday I take
out both the trash bin and the recycling bin, the odd week
I only pull out the trash collection bin.  

I finished Row 1 and started Row 2 on my owl piece while I was watching the game and the commercials. Truth be told, I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the only meals I was responsible for was breakfast, then DH took care of everything else. It was a solid gift day from him and I was very grateful. Of course, I was a bit less grateful when I hit the scale this morning and it told me I was up four pounds! Good thing I'm back at the gym in 90 minutes. 

I really enjoyed the Doritos commercial starring Lil Naz in a
dance-off with Sam Elliott. Here's a link to Billboard who has
the full video on their "Coolest Commercials" synopsis. 

I enjoyed the Super Bowl commercials, many of them were quite well done. I'll have to see a full listing to isolate them in my head - they tend to run together. And the game itself turned into a really good one with the winner up for grabs until the final few minutes. I'm extremely happy that Kansas City pulled it out, but this was no "gimmie" game. This game was hard fought from beginning to end and was a really entertaining game to watch. 

Another really cute commercial was the death of Mr Peanut and the
subsequent funeral and apparent re-birth of Little Baby Mr Peanut. I
also recommend Jeep's "Groundhog Day". I was actually pretty pleased
with the commercials for this year's Big Game. They were (mostly) very
entertaining and fun to watch. 

Since I'm brain dead, overstuffed, and just looking at my Owl project with the desire to blow off the day and continue working on it instead, I think I'd probably be better off wrapping this up, putting in pictures, and heading out to start working off my one-day weight gain. Easy on, a bit harder off, but it'll happen. Have an excellent Monday and I'll be back tomorrow! 

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