Monday, February 10, 2020

Snow and Fashion and Beads - A Pretty Good Sunday

Starting around midnight on Saturday and extending into mid-afternoon on Sunday, we were supposed to have gotten 4-6 inches of snow. By the time it actually stopped and DH was outside clearing snow from the roof and snowblowing the driveway, we had gotten approcimately five inches. He said six, but to me, as I shoveled the driveway edges and the front and back sidewalks, it looked just a bit less than a true six inches. Still, it was a good storm. The next one is due on Wednesday, and I hope it won't mess up with my errands for that day. 

I love Billy Porter and his sense of fashion. I adored the
"feathered" sleeveless jacket he sore, and the fabric of
his skirt was stunning and just my colors. He always makes
a splash on any Runway. 

Natalie Portman could have taught several of
the Project Runway group how to work with
sheer fabrics. If you get a chance to see the
neckline of her gown, the lacework/embroudery
is spectacular. The gold dashes running down
both sides of her cloak are actually the embroidered
names of female directors who were snubbed in
the voting this year. Not a single female director
ended up being nominated for Best Director. 

I spent most of Sunday working on my owl project. I probably owe a picture to all of you. I've been taking regular progress shots, I'll see about getting one loaded into my computer to share. I usually don't share works in progress, but I might this time. I'm pretty happy with how the colors are working out. 

Brie Larson's outfit was classic and stunning. I loved
the fabric choice, which only accentuated her
height and slim figure. The removable cape
complimented the sleeveless gown. Very nice! 

The Academy Awards were on last night. DH was upstairs watching hockey, I was downstairs watching the Travel channel while working on my next row of beadwork. I did look through the fashions on the Red Carpet, and Billy Porter's was totally marvelous. I looked with an eye at Tuxedos this time - how were they different, what would I change to make an updated, haute version of a tux? I must admit, however, that when it comes to a tux, I appreciate a classic look. 

I loved Mindy Kaling's classic look in bright
saffron coloring. It worked very well with
both her figure and her skin tone. She looked
just lovely. 

I've put several of the Academy Award fashions up here for all of you. There were some very nice ones, and some really horrid ones. Of course, that's usually the way things go. There are bunches of places on-line to see them, so I'm only giving a smattering here today. Go take a look for yourself, many of them are well worth the look. I'm going to get bundled up and head over to the WBL YMCA for some floor work before I see my Chiropractor at 6:30 am. It's the start of another week, so Yippee! (Positive thoughts heading out to my friend Shirebound and her Mom. who has been feeling under the weather.) 

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