Thursday, February 21, 2019

White Snow and Cards of Color

The snow came. It fell from the sky, starting early, early at around 4:00 am and not stopping until more than twelve hours later. There were heavy times and light times and the only thing that was a guarantee was that it was piling up on the driveway and the walkways, the city snowplows were casting their debris onto the driveway aprons and creating general havoc. I shoveled and shoveled and shoveled more throughout the day. 

One of the things I was doing yesterday was finalizing
my Bingo card choices for this year's B2MeM.
Of course, the Mods had the audacity to have
a range of colors available as topic choices. I
couldn't resist. 

The first shovel was easy - taking 1/2 inch or so off the driveway so that I wouldn't leave tracks when I went to the gym and brought the trash bins to the curb for the weekly pickup. When I got home from the gym, DH was out shoveling the drive. The snow had intensified and we had another 1-1/2 inches on the concrete. Then he left for work and I was on my own for the day. 

One of the other things that happened with the snow plows
was the mailbox, once again getting hit. This time it stayed
on its' pole (barely), but it was canted quite a bit. 

I needed to get to the store and the snow was still coming down. I bundled up between loads #1 and #2 of my laundry and headed outside. I thought I could just clear the driveway easily since DH had been working on it a mere two hours earlier. Nope! I had a solid three inches waiting for me and the plow scree at the end of the drive was stacked, in places, as deep as two feet. It took an hour of solid work and the last-minute help of the snow plow truck from the college across the street to get my drive cleared. It was horrid! I didn't get to the store until after 11:30 am - VERY late for my weekly grocery trip. 

The underside of the mail box shows the previous fix - a piece of
PVC pipe pounded over the original steel pipe with new screws
tightening the bracket holding the box in position. It's not off, but
it looks like the plow may have bent the bracket itself this time. 

Groceries bought and ready to settle, I continued my laundry. Load #2 was finished and load #3 was in the dryer when I remembered I hadn't picked the income taxes up from the accountant - something I needed to do. It was 2:30 pm by this time. I raised the garage door, looked out at a sea of white, and sighed, opening the car door to grab my shovel yet again. It wasn't quite as bad as the previous round, but still was at least two inches. The scree wasn't bad and actually stopped at the edge of the driveway, so I lucked out there. I went ahead and did all of the sidewalks too, since I had skipped those earlier. Forty-five minutes later and I was on the way to the accountant. 

So, I chose Red, and Orange ... because ... well,
orange. An impossible word and a beloved snack

I left things pretty clean, and DH did a minimal clear of his tracks when he got home, but we survived this round of storms. My estimate is that we got close to eight inches in yesterday's snow. Today we have a day off, but we're on track for more storms on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We already set a snowfall record with yesterday's snowfall - more than 30" of snow in February. I guess our mild December came back to haunt us with a vengeance. 

After choosing Red and Orange, I couldn't let poor Yellow
sit in a dark closet all on its own. Yellow joined the fond
of my final choices because ... well, just because. 

I'm off to the gym. It's a machine day today, so if I didn't punish my body enough yesterday, I get to sweat on the elliptical and the bike. Oh joy! I follow that up with an appointment with a new physician - the head of the department - for a final followup on my hair loss. How can I be running late at 4:00 am?!!! I hope you have a fantastic and fabulous Thursday, and that if you are getting some storms, you are safe and secure while they rage outside. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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