One of the first things teachers often assign their new crop of students to write is an essay entitled "What I Did For Summer Vacation". Well, I'm long past those school days, and I don't get a summer vacation, but I did go to the State Fair and I've got a small recap of my activities with Sharon as we bid farewell to summer while walking on the heated, crowded tarmac of the Fairgrounds and the Renaissance Festival. Today I'm showing non-food photos of my first two days at the Fair. Let's start with my "Whoot, Whoot!!!" moment ...
Yes, it's what you might think it is if you're an ice hockey fan in the US and Canada. It's Lord Stanley's Cup, and that's me on the left and Sharon on the right. I actually got to hug the Cup! I was floating on air! I'm STILL just chuffed about this one. The line wasn't ridiculous, but I would have stood in it forever just to touch the Stanley Cup. |
Friday and Saturday are days when Sharon and fly solo during the day. Although DH usually joins us for dinner on Friday night, he passed this time, feeling under the weather and just going right to bed when he got home from work. So he didn't join the two of us until Saturday night when we went to the Foghat free concert (really excellent). Then the three of us spent Sunday at the Fair with Chickie, and on Monday the four of us were at Renaissance Festival together.
One of the major things to do is wander the various buildings where people are showing work they've produced. This Blue Ribbon winner was a metal sculpture about the size of a small car. Although I think of it as "When Pigs Fly", it actually was a flying pig with lederhosen and skiis. It was probably an accident in the making instead of a flight to freedom. |
The Knitters Guild of MN gathered together to knit lots of pieces. They displayed a yarn bomb encompassing many images up and down the fencing along the ramp to the 2nd floor of the Grandstand. This is a very long span, and they filled it beautifully with lots of funny things. I love this image - the State Fair's iconic foods encapsulated in yarn. |
The only requirement we have for the four of us is a simple rule: "Anything we buy to eat must be photographed and shared with the others in a text message." It's a vicarious eating experience without the calories, and it allows us to get reviews of foods we might want to try from each other.
On Day Two, Sharon and I made sure to get to all of the various animal buildings. They are huge structures and have lots of animals from small, like this adorable bunny here, to large, like the "largest boar" pictured below. There are barns for cows, sheep and goats, several barns for horses, the swine barn, and the poultry barn. The Fair started as an agricultural get-together originally, but it's come a long way since then. |
Here's the "Largest Boar" for this year. Every year they have a winner for the largest boar, and in the pen next to it, they have a sow with young piglets for the kiddies to get excited about. Hard to believe the cute little piglets can grow into monsters like this. |
This time, the winner was "Rocky". We've had boars up to 1600+ pounds in other years, but 1400 pounds is darned impressive! |
I had a list of six new foods I wanted to try, and of course there were also the staple foods that I had to have again. I managed to have three of the six on my list, so not too bad, The lines were sometimes so long that I said "Nope - no way, no how." I refuse to stand in a line a block long for more than an hour just to eat an overpriced serving of a new food.
So, I finished the extravaganza with a gain of three pounds. Not bad for four days of excess! Tonight is Project Runway, so tomorrow will be the usual one of two posts about that. I'm settling back into my rhythm and autumn is knocking at the door. Time to run out and enjoy the last two weeks of the outdoor pool. Happy Thursday to all!
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