Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Snow Yes, Movie No

The snow came, and with it came an icy rain for hours which turned into icy slush which turned into slippery roads. I decided that seeing "Fantastic Beasts" was probably not a wise decision so I paid Chickie for the ticket she had purchased and passed on the film. I hope to catch it soon, DH mumbled something about maybe seeing it early Sunday. We'll see.

The snow put an end to my plans of attending a showing
of this film. DH says maybe we'll catch it on Sunday am. 

But since the snow came, and I got notices that the snowplows for the city had been activated and were in service on our streets, I guess I have to shovel this morning before leaving for the gym. It's been a long time since I've had to build that extra time into my morning, so my post will be a bit shorter than usual because my time is shorter.

In the USA, we do love our traditional Thanksgiving Day dinners. But
everyone's table choices differ. Mine does not have sweet potatoes
because I'm not fond of them. Others will add this or that. The only
thing that is almost always the star is the turkey, but I also know some
families who do ham instead of the bird. 

I want to wish all of my friends in the US a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I usually don't post on holidays, preferring to sleep in. Then I'll be cooking the bird, and corn, and mashed potatoes, and stuffing. The pie will already be in the refrigerator by tonight. I'll be overstuffed and more than ready for my swim on Friday morning before I begin my two-day sale at the shop. So, once again, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you reading this blog. One thing I'm very grateful for are the many friends I've made through the years, both in person and virtual. You're the BEST!

Off to shovel *sigh* ... Have a great Wednesday!

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