Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Snow May Bury My Movie Plans

Yesterday was crazy busy - no real time at the shop to do anything other than process mail orders, help customers, check in the large order that arrived around noon, and work on my Black Friday/Small Business Saturday email sale notification. I finally finished up the email late last night, will take one more look at it this morning, then send it off. Hopefully it will work some magic and we'll be really busy on Friday and Saturday.

Although many people shop early sales or on-line, we usually have pretty
good response to our Black Friday and Small Business Saturday sales.
Of course, we only run two sales each year - one after Thanksgiving,
and one after Christmas. 

Because of all that, however, I didn't get a chance to answer a lot of you or acknowledge your responses to my final card call-out or individual requests. Sorry about that. Today should be a bit better.

I really want to see this - really a LOT! I'm hoping that we'll
miss the worst of the snow so that I'll feel comfortable
driving home on the roads. If so, I'll be watching tonight.
If not, I'll have wasted the $5 pre-purchased ticket price. 

Speaking of magic, I want to be in the audience watching "Fantastic Beasts" tonight. In fact, my ticket is already purchased. But a snowstorm is rolling in and supposed to hit just about the time I would leave the theater after the movie. I don't want to be driving in bad road conditions, and DH has asked me to postpone the show if the weather comes through as predicted. So right now I'm on the fence about my evening plans. I suspect, though, that I'll be paying Chickie the $5 for the movie ticket, but will be skipping it. I'll just have to catch it another time with better road conditions. They are predicting up to five inches overnight tonight, starting at 6:00 pm and going through 6:00 am. Getting to the gym tomorrow may be as adventurous as I want to get.

The world of Harry Potter comes to the USA in this
prequel of the beloved series. It hits all my loves -
magic, the Harry Potter universe and art deco. 

I was out at the White Bear Lake pool yesterday since my Chiropractor is near that location. The pool heater was malfunctioning and the water was really cold! It's the second time I got caught there with a broken heater and it was just as uncomfortable as the first time, i.e., NOT fun. Thank goodness I'll be back at my regular pool today. They were working on the heater as I left the gym yesterday, but it's a lot of water to heat, so things may still be a bit on the cold side today at WBL. I'm sure my little Shoreview pool will be much warmer and I'll be much happier.

Have a great day. I'm really hoping that the worst of the slow bypasses us, but predictions put us right in the center of the storm. Damn - really want to see "Fantastic Beasts". Enjoy your Tuesday!

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