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Having to go into work on my day off certainly was the monkey' wrench in my schedule. But at least I got my washer/dryer purchased on the final day of the sale. |
DH has been sick. He started coming down with a cold/creeping crud on Sunday, and by Monday was starting to sound like a goose in flight calling to its mates. He worked on Monday and managed the day, but spent most of his time in the back room working on the numbers from the year just ended. Tuesday he was a bit worse, but he only had to work for a few hours while I registered for my classes at the Bead & Button Show. Once I got into the shop, I was able to send him home.
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Maybe this is one more reason why I dislike monkeys so much? Or maybe not. Who knew there was an ale called Monkey Wrench? News to me., but an interesting title. |
Yesterday was supposed to be my day off. I hit the gym first thing (discussions about my swimming prowess or lack thereof below), had coffee, did some of my own bookwork at the shop while I got things ready for my staff, went to have a lovely breakfast of oatmeal, an eggwhite omelette and English muffin, and went to the appliance store to purchase my washer and dryer. Task accomplished (cheers rising in the background for accomplishments well done), I headed home and put a load into the washer (my old one which still limps along).
I decided to check in and find out how DH was feeling. Texting Chickie, I found out that he was still in the back and hadn't even removed his parka yet, although he had been at the shop for more than 1-1/2 hours. This was NOT good. I started texting him to find out how he was feeling and discovered that 'he would tough it out'. No, I need him to get over this cold, not tough things out. I left the laundry in the washer to finish up after dinner, told him I was on my way, grabbed my laptop and went to work.
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My day off disappeared into a puff of smoke. Oh well, I didn't need a day off anyway, did I? *sigh* |
Monkey wrench, see? My day off disappeared into a puff of smoke. I had to text Aearwen and cancel our weekly phone chat (very bummed - we haven't had a real good chat for WEEKS), my bedding and towels still need to be laundered, and I didn't get anything accomplished on the task of cleaning my laundry room so that my new washer/dryer can be installed next week. But I sent DH home and that, I think, was a good thing.
Now, a quick thought on my morning of swimming yesterday. When I was young I lived for the water. Swimming and swimming pool activities were among my favorite things. I was an excellent swimmer, fast and sleek in the water. Now? Well, now I resemble (except in size, of course) a drowning guppie. Sleek? You MUST be kidding. But, after a couple of difficult laps, I gave into reality, grabbed a boogie board, and started kicking my way up and down my lane. I sometimes used one arm, sometimes not, and sometimes put the board away to actually swim a lap. I stuck with it for 45 minutes and I'm glad I did. Today it's back to machinery - elliptical and recumbent bicycle. I've only lost one pound thus far, but my muscles are feeling it and that's really my key.
Have a great Thursday, all. Be kind to yourselves.
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