Tuesday, December 2, 2014

CARD CALLOUT - Be Proactive

NEVER assume that I have your address.

I probably have your address if I sent you a Solstice Card in prior years, but ... S__T Happens and I may not have the correct or current or whatever address. I have a total of fifty cards I'm making for this year's Solstice card. They aren't anywhere near finished yet, and of course, being handmade, each one is an individual piece of my art in its own right. Please let me send one to you.

I'm going to make the "Comments" portion of my post today shielded so that your address will be completely private. If you prefer to email it to me, that's fine too, just ask for my email addy, or you can message it to me.

JUST SEND IT TO ME. I can't send you this year's work of art if I don't have a current address for you.


  • I make my cards because I love making them. 
  • I send my cards because I love sending them. 
  • I DO NOT expect to receive a card in return (although it is always a joy when I get one). 
  • NO GUILT - just pretties wending their way around the world. 

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