Tuesday, April 23, 2013

St George's Day - From the Other Side

Snow ... Again! ... 'Nuff said...

Today is St George's Day and in honor of the famous dragon-slayer I present dragon pictures. When growing up I didn't feel like a cheerleader for the puny human going against the slavering beast. No - I felt sorry for the poor dragon. My opinions on this haven't changed. The puny human went against something amazingly beautiful (destructive yes...but...) so beautiful. Have you seen any dragons in the sky, waters or undersea lately? No? Unfortunately neither have I. These days the dragon would be protected as an endangered species and George would be prosecuted for poaching.  Without further ado...dragons!

This is a lovely rendition of St George doing his thing. As usual in
most of the paintings and drawings of the Saint, the dragon is
relatively small. Then again, even a Chihuahua can inspire fear for one's ankles.

I love the translucent wings on this beauty. 

This dragon is a more sensible size. I'm not sure I'd like to be that close to
those jaws. Maybe it's just a trick of perspective?

Again, a more sensible size, although this is even larger. I call this a
night and day dragon. I think you can see why.

A female dragon of the air in a very different perspective. I thought
I'd throw this image out to you for a change of pace. Isn't she lovely?

And a look at dragons would not be complete without at least one Oriental
dragon. The dragons of the Orient are associated with the sky and rain. Pearls
are also a close association. This lovely Imperial dragon has the gold coloring
and the five claws that reserve him as the properly of the Emperor of China.
He's lovely and very sinuous.

So there you have it. Several dragons to start your St George's day out on the right side. Now to go out and start shoveling again *sigh*. They are predicting temps in the 60's and 70's within a week which would be so wonderful since we have been averaging 20 degrees below normal for the past two weeks... Happy Tuesday to everyone!

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