Saturday, November 24, 2012

Computer Glitches Annoy Me! - A Lot!

I have shifted my schedule around to allow my posting my blog and catching up with my email in the early mornings, having found that I ended up ignoring my business emails to my detriment during my NaNo schedule. I didn't miss anything really important, but there are other groups that I belong to, including a small business group, with which I fell behind. So I'm pleased to have my normal schedule back.

BUT - That requires that I write at the coffee shop instead of at home. Not a major problem most of the time but my heart sank a bit when I read which chapter was listed as my next to write. I had Scenes 1 and 2 listed, but knew I had written Scene 3 and it wasn't in my list. I have had this happen one previous time, and hoped against hope that my desktop would still have the scene in it - that I had just forgotten to save it in the appropriate file. But no - 300+ words I had written for the next scene have completely disappeared and my NaNo word count is actually 300 less than what I have listed because of this *sigh*.

It's not the end of the world, it won't be a major problem to rewrite the scene. But there had been one specific paragraph that I had just LOVED; one paragraph where the description and intent was absolutely perfect. And it's gone - lost to the ether. That - to me - is the most frustrating thing all around. GROWL. to rewrite the scene and hope that magic will come again farther along in the passages. I wish everyone a lovely weekend.

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