Friday, September 7, 2012

Focus, Focus, Focus...

I am finally catching up with hundreds of Emails and misc questions that I let lie while on my Labor Day vacation. But I have three stories to write and I'm not able to get back into a writing groove yet. I had to return most of my interlibrary loaned research materials for my NaNoWriMo book yesterday, although I still have one for another week, and I have deadlines breathing down my neck. But what do I do? I read. I'm hip deep in a book series on my Nook and re-reading a book on my new phone (reading it for the third time). Having the ability to read any of my NookBooks on my phone is probably not one of the best things - LOL. But it is one thing that is making me love my phone even more. I haven't figured out a comfortable way to write on my phone yet, and the screen is smaller than that of my Nook, but the darned phone is incredibly versatile. *sigh* It's worming its way into my heart.

Gypsy Wagons by Van Gogh paints such a tempting lifestyle...

But I really have to get into a groove and start writing again, and I also owe Lai some beta work. The grooves in the road are there in front of me and I need to hitch the horses up to my gypsy wagon and get my wheels back into them.

I need to get all of my ducks into a row...

I only have two more scenes to write in my o-fic. I am finding that my muses are divided about whether my protagonist will live or die at the end of the story. Jeez! I wish those muses would just get their ducks in a row, make up their mind, and let me just finish the story. It's just a story...not an award-winning novel. And time is running out. I want to edit this several times before sending it off. No choices left here. My clock is ticking. I'm moving pedometer is on my waist and my fingers are ready to hit the keyboard. I WILL write more on that fic this morning. That's my goal and my promise to myself :-)

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