Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Water Problems in Threes

So, problems usually follow each other in threes. Haven't you heard of this before? Well, for us it usually runs true. Less than two weeks ago I had awakened with water pouring from my ceiling as we realized that the toilet tank of my DH's toilet had cracked. We had a plumber out the next day to change out the toilet with a long list of other things we needed looked at. The end result of that was (1) a new toilet for my DH, (2) a non-operable sink in my own bathroom while a new sink is on order. I still am waiting for that to be delivered for pickup and I need the faucet, and now...(3) a water heater that is on its last legs.

Who knew there would be so many choices for a water heater?

Now this is not unexpected. We had been noticing that it was leaking, and most water heaters have approximately a ten-year lifespan, ours is about eighteen years old. So we knew it was getting there. But I have my friend Sharon coming for her annual visit next week, and if it was going to fail, I'm quite sure it would pick then to fail. DH had checked water heaters out at Home Depot when we were there ordering the sink and had determined that we could afford it, but had decided against ordering one at that time.


We're running out of time...

So now, when we have Thursday and next Tuesday and Wednesdays as the only days available for a plumber to come and change over the water heater, he decided that he cannot order one from Home Depot or Lowes, but wants me to contact two other plumbers and find out their charge for installing a water heater. Once the decision has been made things will move quickly. The problem is, vacation times and the Fair which starts tomorrow. Chickie is taking Friday off to go to the Fair, so that leaves tomorrow as a good day for installation. Then it has to be pushed to Tuesday or Wednesday, or we could do Thursday morning, but I have to leave work early that day to pick Sharon up from the airport. So...tick tock...we're out of time before we've even started. I really hate water problems.....

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