Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Still Writing...Daring the Jungle

So time is compressing on me. It is August 21st and I'm already stressing about writing deadlines for the 16th of September and the 1st of October, in one case for a story that I haven't even started writing yet. Can everyone say "Ridiculous!" along with me? The next few days will be very busy though, and my writing time will be constricted. The Fair opens on Thursday so a lot of last-minute things need to be accomplished at the small house before then. We will be over there tonight after work to get the lawn cut because we won't be able to cut it again until after the Fair and it will grow shaggy in the intervening time. I have bushes to trim and a general clean-up to do, so I'll be busy tonight. I hope to still get my next chapters posted with the schedule I've set up, but it may be quite late tonight before I get to it.

You can never tell what might be hiding in the jungle.

I did finally begin posting to my AO3 archive and will continue to do so from this point forward. Because it is an all-inclusive archive it will be able to accept all of my G rated works as well as any that I have pushing into the R or even X rating as well. It's just simpler that way. Fairie is another archive that I use heavily and it also accepts pretty much anything I write. I love what Esteliel set up there and how amazingly fast she moved on things to give all of us a new home when TFF was sold.

Unexpected treasures can be found when walking pathways previously unknown.

I've been concentrating on original fiction lately, though, and doing very little in fanfic. Not that I still don't adore fanfic, I do, but I've had some things come my way that has pushed my thinking into original directions, not familiar pathways. It's rather nerve wracking, forging new pathways in my writing, but it's a lot of fun too. Have a fabulous Tuesday!

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