Saturday, August 4, 2012

Time is Running Away from Me

Obviously time is far more successful on my treadmill of life than I am. I look at the calender and start to panic. I have less than three weeks to get my act together here for Sharon's visit and I am already behind. Now, I'm fully aware that she'll say "Don't worry about it. I'm fine with whatever. I'm there to see you and the State Fair not a clean house." But I would still like my house to be cleaner, I would like me to have another five pounds off, and I would like all of my ducks in a row. Will that happen? Maybe....

Yesterday we had the finals of Trampoline on the Olympics and I caught the preliminary rounds in the early morning on an alternative channel. OMG! So beautiful, so high!!! It's almost as if they are flying. There was also team dressage, but I missed that, unfortunately, because I had to be out on the sales floor. Today, I hope, I'll have more of a chance to see the equestrian events.

Track and field started yesterday. I missed the discus, but caught the preliminary heats for the women's 100 meter. There are some incredibly fast times being posted here. And this morning I caught the men's preliminary heat for the 400 meters featuring the double-amputee from South Africa, Oscar Pistorius. He cruised to a comfortable second place in his heat, qualifying to move on. I love the Olympics - so many individual stories of perseverance and triumph. Today should be a good one with pole vaulting (one of my favorites), the next round of beach volleyball with Misty May and Kerri Walsh, and whatever else I can grab. We'll have Chipotle for dinner and all is good.

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