Friday, August 3, 2012

Summertime is Waning and Achieving Goals

So, it is now August and the summer, which seems as if it just started last week, is already into its waning months. Oh, we still have the heat and the humidity, I am still going to have plenty of days when I fall asleep with the fan blowing on me and where I am complaining about the heat, but I am already looking at the various shades of green around me with a nostalgic feeling. Winter has its own beauty, no doubt. There are sparkling mornings after an ice storm that make me catch my breath as the sun hits the angled ice crystals. But, my preference is experiencing the snow rarely and, unfortunately, I live in the wrong state for that.

I'm glued to the Olympics, although I did take some time away last night to watch Project Runway, and I have to say that I am finding the sporting events very inspirational for my own small activities. I'm no professional athlete, and I never was an athlete although I was always involved in physical activities. But as I wake in the early hours of the morning, grab my running shoes, and hit the treadmill, I have to admit that seeing how horrid my own levels of stamina are when compared to these young people - well, it's inspiring. It keeps me going and pushing myself. I am grateful that I have the ability to hit the treadmill and still read and write and operate my shop, but at some point I know something will have to bend - this current schedule can't keep it's timing forever. When that happens, I'll have to remind myself that the physical commitment I have made must be retained and something else will have to be sacrificed instead. I'm tired of being overweight and too sedentary.

I have goals - everyone has goals to an extent. Usually people have several goals that they strive for in their lives. Those fall into personal goals, professional goals, and esoteric things like a Bucket List which is a type of goal as well. One of my personal goals is to get myself back under control, exercise more, lose weight. I'm working on it. Another personal goal is to improve my writing and continue writing every day with the end goal being to produce some o-fic, not just fanfic. My professional goals are to work on my art and to distance myself from my store. I need some closure. Do I have a Bucket List? No, not really, but I have things I want to do and places I want to see. I'm not 60 yet...I think, hope, that I still have time to achieve some of these goals.

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