Thursday, August 30, 2012

Serious Cleaning and Visiting the Airport

So...finally...Sharon arrives this afternoon. Is the house clean? Actually...not bad. I cleaned for a solid twelve hours yesterday - everything from washing my dragon shelving (and dusting and revisiting each of the lovely boys and girls while I dusted them - I love my dragons) to actually sweeping the siding and front door stoop! I took an hour out of cleaning (although there was still laundry doing it's thing in the washer) to have my weekly talk with Aearwen - always a total joy and lifesaver for my sanity, and I ate a quick dinner. Except for that, I cleaned nonstop from 10:00 am until 10:00 pm, ending up with vacuuming throughout the house. The bed is made, the shelves and tables are cleaned and dusted, most of the shredding is done, the kitchen is relatively clean. I'm happy.

I just love the aprons in this 1950's housecleaning poster.

I'll work a short day today and then go to the airport to pick up Sharon. I used to love going to the airport. When I was young, the massive security procedures that are enforced these days didn't exist. You could go to the airport and park to watch the planes, you could even go into the airport concourses and watch the planes land and take off. Those days are long gone and probably will never return again. But it was a lot of fun to go to Stapleton Airport in Denver when I was a kid and watch the airplanes.

Hard to think that something so beautiful as a hurricane could be so devastating.

My prayers go out to those affected by Hurricane Issac. Seven years after Katrina, Issac is moving on a similar course and hitting many of the same places. Louisiana and Mississippi are being hit hard with massive amounts of rain. I know that Seth's wife Stephanie and her mother-in-law and menagerie of assorted animals are still living in Mississippi only an hour or so away from New Orleans, so I send thoughts to them in hopes that they are riding this storm out safely.

I'll be out of touch for the next few days while I have fun with Sharon and other friends at the State Fair and Renaissance Festival, so I hope all of you have a fabulous end of the week and weekend.

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