Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Heat, Cleaning and Special Friends

It's getting hotter and I expect that I'll be a sweaty mess by the time I finish cleaning house at the end of the day. I'll be a cleaning tornado around my house when I get home from my errands mid-morning. I've cancelled everything else on my schedule and will be sitting down with gloves, chemicals, scrubbers and compounds to try and get the last things clean. Cleaning a house in our humidity and high temps is almost hopeless, but if I don't keep up with it ... well, let me just say that dirt is one of the super-villains of the world, but one that Superman and Batman would have no chance to defeat forever. I want some scientist to invent something that I can spray onto shower grout to forever eliminate mildew. It's SO frustrating. I've tried educating DH about wipe-downs, etc but it just never seems to sink in, leaving me with serious cleaning issues *sigh*.

He could come and clean my shower anytime!

Hurricane Issac hit land yesterday very close to New Orleans almost exactly seven years after Hurricane Katrina. Of course my thoughts turn to the people living in the Big Easy as well as my ex-fiancee, Seth who lives in Mississippi. He isn't there today, he's actually here in the Twin Cities at the State Fair. Sometimes our schedules work out and we can get together for a short time while he's in town, but unfortunately this tour that he's working is too labor intensive to allow for time off. Hopefully he'll have an easier tour next time he comes through the Twin Cities.

Seth is working with the KISS/Motley Crue tour for the summer. Lots of state fairs and traveling.

Sharon arrives tomorrow. I've had a few friends ask where she is coming from, etc. Sharon and I have been friends since the early 1970's when we met in High School. (Yes...we're old. Live with it - LOL.) She lives where I used to live, in eastern Denver, Colorado and she will fly into the Twin Cities. Driving distance between the two is 970 miles (1480.5 km). We see each other once a year for several days of the State Fair, the Renaissance Festival, and food. All good. Sharon and I have traveled around the US together and even took a two week trip to England together in the late 1980's. She's a great friend and I'm very fortunate to have her in my life. So, I'll get to pound story ideas off of her, watch her eat Fair food, and envy her figure since she has managed to stay slim. *envy* - LOL I won't be posting in my blog while she visits, so I'll probably post tomorrow and then not again until next week Wednesday.

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