Friday, July 6, 2012

Creative Writing Class Final Rehash

So, as many of you already know, I enrolled in an online course on Creative Writing through my local Community College. The course, called "Advanced Fiction Writing" has its final exam today and I'm taking the day off from work to take that, work on finishing my AinA, do laundry, and generally catch up since my Wednesday was a national holiday and I had to share my usual "day off" with my DH. It was fun to share the day with him in mid-week, but I accomplished absolutely nothing of my own personal goals. I need today and I'm taking it.

In any case, I have to take my exam today (it's the last day that I can). I have to say, I really enjoyed the course. It was quite comprehensive and left me with tons of supplementary material, websites, a 1-1/2" thick binder of printed classes to refer back to, etc. What I didn't do was participate a lot in the discussion aspect, although I usually am the first to jump into things like that. I didn't like the format for discussion, it seemed quick clunky and didn't really seem to encourage genuine interaction. But that aside, I loved the course.

The information I got is available in other formats and was nothing new, but it was good to get down to the basics again and re-acquaint myself with the foundations of all literature. I want to continue to work on improving my own writing and branch off to writing some original fiction. This course and other books are providing me with a foundation to be able to do that. It was relatively inexpensive and well worth the cost of time, materials and actual money. I would do another on-line course based on the success of this one.

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