Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Studio Day, Busy Day

I'm always happy to have my studio day, a day when I can work on my own projects. Today, however, will be an extremely busy one. I have a list of errands that will take me all over town, the repair I started last week still has hours of work remaining on it, and I want to get my Solstice cards designed. Come to think of it...I've wanted to do that for the past two weeks so it has to move a bit higher on the list, I'm running out of time.

I probably won't get back home to start the home portion of my work until noon, often I'm home by 9:30am or 10:00am, so I will most certainly be "out and about". I hope I remember to grab some gas for the car, I have to be careful about that now. I leave in the dark of the morning and return as it's getting darker now. The light over my gas gauge in the car is burned out, so unless I check my gas during the day or use a flashlight, I can't tell how much/little gas I have left. Gas is life during our winters, so I need to keep a tight eye out.

A person in Ohio (a central US state for those readers of mine away from the US) apparently kept exotic animals. He was arrested on Federal firearms issues, but released to care for his animals until his trial date. Instead, he released all of them and then was found dead (I assume he was a suicide, but didn't hear the circumstances). So now the Ohio police are trying to find black bears, grizzly bears, cheetas, and other wild animals roaming the Ohio countryside. I feel sorry for everyone in this situation. The animals are lose in an area they don't know and must be frightened and hungry, and the people involved I'm quite sure are also frightened because they are more used to going against wild humans, not wild animals. What a crazy world I live in.

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