Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dreams of Equipment

So, DH and I went to that little Gem & Mineral show on Sunday and dreams of equipment have once again sprouted in DH's head. He has wanted to play with rocks for a long time. So yesterday morning during a break from work, he pulled out the catalog and started looking at equipment. It's rather like looking at the Montgomery Wards catalog was at the turn of last century - a "wish book". He wants a six-wheel grinder/polisher, a flat-lap shaper, and a slab saw. The slab saw is the high-dollar item in the group. I'm beginning to think I'm pretty inexpensive - all I want is a glass saw and a new, larger kiln. Oh well, there's no harm in dreams. And who knows what the future will hold? We may be able to swing these at some point in the future. Where to put them....? Well, that's another problem - LOL.

We're into more seasonal temps now. We're pretty cold this morning 34F (1C) and will warm up to 48F (almost 9C). These are more typical for our autumn days as we approach the end of October. But remember last week? We were 10-15 degrees above average with temps in the 70's and even a few 80's. When that left, we waved good-bye to summer and hello to winter. We'll see a few snowflakes this week, although they won't stick. My winter coat is ready and my closet has been re-arranged. I'm ready, but I'm already looking forward to Spring - LOL. So here's a nice Spring pic of reflecting raindrops for all of you.

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